Here you will find the answers to your questions.
If you still can't find an answer, search through our contact details!
· How can I book?
Please use the site BOOKING gombot! A sikeres foglalásról emailt küldünk, amiben benne lesznek a foglalási információk. Ebben adjuk meg a számlaszámot is, ahova az 50% szállásdíjat utalni tudod. Az összeg beérkezése után is minden esetben küldünk egy megerősítő emailt, és felvesszük Veled a kapcsolatot.
· Can I cancel the booking?
Between 30 and 14 days before the arriving, the paid booking fee for a canceled reservation can be used towards another booking (within 6 months), or Host will refund it to the Guest's bank account after deduction 5,000 HUF administrative fee.
On the day of arrival or between 13 and 1 days before the arriving, the full booking fee paid for a canceled reservation is charged as cancellation fee of 100%.

· When can you arrive and how long can you stay?
We welcome you from 3:00 p.m. and you must leave the house by 10:00 a.m.
· Where can I park?
There is a covered car park at both locations, where you can park up to 2 cars.
· Is there WI-FI in the house?
Our goal is for our guests to listen to each other and talk to each other. If necessary, it is at your disposal, you can find the password in the house.
· Dog/cat friendly accommodation?
We love animals, we also have dogs/cats/chickens and even guinea pigs. Unfortunately, we are currently unable to accept pets.
· Can I ride a bike?
Yes. From our partners- you can rent the right one for you at.
· Is breakfast included with the accommodation?
Our guesthouses are self-catering.
Breakfast is served at the Vadász-tali restaurant, you can apply for it for a separate fee.