It is located 140 km from Budapest and 40 km from Balaton (Siófok) at the intersection of roads 65 and 61.
The town has approx. 8,000 inhabitants, has been inhabited since the Bronze Age.
It is the center of the 30 surrounding settlements, the center of a small region.
In the town there is also a nursery, a kindergarten, a primary school, a high school and a vocational school.
Its tourism is mainly related to the thermal spa, is open all year round.
In addition, many attractions such as:
– Miklósvár Park Forest and Wildlife Park,
– Press House Museum,
– Saint Donat statue,
– Rosalia Chapel,
– Roman Catholic Church,
– Dám Pont Visitor Center,
– Gyulaji Wildlife Reserve,
– Pine forest lookout and wooden lookout
– designated hiking trails,
– Bike path between Pári-Tamási-Regöly and Rácvölgy,
– Pacsmag lakes, nature trail,
– Active Park, playground, sports and tennis court,
– The lakes of the Tamási Kossuth Fishing Association await those who come here.
There are several important events in the city every year:
– Tamás Wine Competition
– "Children's Day."
– Trofea Wild Gastronomy Festival
– Summer Event Series
– "Tamási's pot master" cooking competition
– Riding days
– Product exchange
Watch the image film of Tamási city:
The town has significant grape and fruit growing traditions and belongs to the Tolna wine region.
The most widespread local grape variety is Italian Riesling.
Várhegy an almost 200 m high mountain located in the outskirts, next to the Koppány River, 2 km from the city center. It was built here during the Tatar invasion, the ruins of which were unfortunately completely demolished in 1776, the Tamási castle.
Tuskós korábban a termelőszövetkezet nagyüzemi szőlőültetvénye és borfeldolgozó üzemeként működött, ma már számos magánpince található. Tamási város külterületén fekszik, a város központtól kb. 4 km távolságra található.
Vendégházaink are located in two different areas of Tamási: in Várhegy on the top of the hill and in Tuskós next to the forest.
Our accommodations are fully equipped and insulated, so they can be used all year round, even in winter and summer.
During the renovation, we considered it important to preserve their original characteristics and we have been designed the functions and materials according to today's, the XXI.st century's needs.
Whichever accommodation you choose, you will be surrounded by the greatest comfort, picturesque scenery and fabulous surroundings at both locations! The silence of nature awaits here.